While it doesn’t happen often, it isn’t unheard of that a lithographic company, threatened by the loss of scanning revenue, has adopted the position that ANY digital image brought to them (RGB or CMYK) “just simply isn’t right – we have never SEEN such lously color — we will have to fix it.”

And your client pays them, and casts a sour eye in your direction. We understand how you might want to protect yourself from this potential business hazard — and at the same time give your client’s images that (unlike before) can now give them worldwide consistency in color.

So for you, color mangement lets you:

  • Be absolutely certain the color or greyscale images you give your clients are absolutely correct.
  • Make your Epson printer create accurate proofs of your images
  • Create better, optimized, CMYK — that, like your RGB, you can be certain is right.
  • Enter the digital imaging world with accuracy and confidence.
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