While it doesnt happen often, it isnt unheard of that a lithographic company, threatened by the loss of scanning revenue, has adopted the position that ANY digital image brought to them (RGB or CMYK) just simply isnt right we have never SEEN such lously color we will have to fix it.
And your client pays them, and casts a sour eye in your direction. We understand how you might want to protect yourself from this potential business hazard and at the same time give your clients images that (unlike before) can now give them worldwide consistency in color.
So for you, color mangement lets you:
- Be absolutely certain the color or greyscale images you give your clients are absolutely correct.
- Make your Epson printer create accurate proofs of your images
- Create better, optimized, CMYK that, like your RGB, you can be certain is right.
- Enter the digital imaging world with accuracy and confidence.